Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Something to think about...

My husband criticized me for being "balls to the wall" all the time. He says that there are some things I should just not say, and that I need to learn to let things go. Hmmmmm. My best friend agrees that I can sometimes be freakishly intense.

I do know this about myself, don't get me wrong. My mom used to tell me that I've been intense since the day I was born. I feel everything very deeply, almost to an unhealthy extreme. I analyze everything and everyone, sometimes too much. I have a hard time letting things go.

Here's the thing: I'm pretty sure I can't change the way I am. It seems obvious to me that this is how I'm wired, and maybe the trick is to learn a little self-censorship rather than try to change the way I experience life. Sometimes, though, I just have to say what's on my mind before it eats me alive.

Something for me to think about, I guess...

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