Monday, October 30, 2006

Empty calories

Okay, yeah... so I am actually trying to make more of an effort to eat. After re-reading my post about not eating, I realized that I am massively screwed in the head, and so I'm making a real effort here.

Unfortunately, all I really want to eat is crap like Krispy Kremes and Ben & Jerry's. Cherry Garcia rocks.

My husband got on my case for eating crap, but I told him to shut the hell up. First he's all pissed because I'm not eating, then he's pissed because I'm eating empty calories. Whatever. Nothing I ever do is going to please him.

For some reason, I decided I wanted ice cream around 2 AM last night. So there I am, in my jammies, watching some drivel on tv and eating Cherry Garcia. It was sooooo good. For about 20 minutes. Then the sugar hit my bloodstream and I got violently ill. Remember the dumping syndrome I told you about? Yeah, I dumped big time. Couldn't breathe, sweating, heart racing, retching, the works.

Will that keep me from getting up in the middle of the night tonight to eat more ice cream? Hmmm... probably not.

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