Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Why I don't vote

That's right, people, I don't even bother to go to the polls anymore. Here's why:

1) My husband is a Democrat. He thinks I am a Republican because of my pro-life stance, but he is dead wrong. I do not, nor have I ever, really affiliated myself with any one party. Okay, when I used to vote I sometimes voted Republican, but not ALWAYS. Anyhow, we never agree on politics, and he won't even listen to what I think. If I just say I don't give a flying frick about any of it, it's one less thing for us to fight about. Although, the other night he picked a fight with me because I said I wasn't voting. Whatever. There's no way to anticipate what's going to annoy him about me, so I've stopped trying to figure it out.

2) ALL the candidates suck in my opinion, in every single election. I got tired of trying to figure out who was the lesser of the two evils, so I gave up. Yeah, I know what you're saying: that by not casting a vote, I'm voting for my candidate's opponent by default. But, since I don't have a candidate, I say BULL.

If not voting casts a default vote for my candidate's opponent, but I don't have a candidate, then my nonvote should actually count as TWO votes, one for each evil party. See? It all evens out in the end. I'm either mental or brilliant... take your pick. Just as long as you know that if you don't make a choice you're choosing the one you wouldn't have picked in the first place....

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