Friday, October 27, 2006

Why PMS is a good thing

Just Kidding. PMS is never a good thing.

I realized last Friday that I was in the middle of a raging case of PMS, which totally explains why I've been such an emotional freak for the past week and a half. It doesn't excuse my behavior in any way, shape or form, but it does explain a lot.

I feel horrible that my poor friend got hit head on by my hormones. That poor, sweet man... he so did not deserve everything I threw at him.

We got together and talked last Sunday, and I think we came to an understanding of sorts. I'm not sure things will ever be completely the same between us, but the fact that he was willing to even try to save our friendship says a lot. Basically, we are starting over from scratch with some better-defined boundaries. I'd rather start over than have no relationship with him at all. He is so very important to me, and I love him a lot.

I wish I could better anticipate my hormones so that I could go live in a cave for about ten days every month so that my PMS doesn't rear its ugly head and screw up every good thing I have.

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