Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Soooooooo gross!!!

So yeah.... school again last night.

Once again, The Thing That Wouldn't Shut Up was in top form. Didn't do the readings, yet had soooooooooo much to say. Poor "LeeAnn" (at least that's what The Thing thinks her name is) had to be in a discussion group with him for the first time, and by the end of class the poor girl was about to blow a gasket. In all the time I've known her I've never seen her that pissed off. I felt bad for leaving her to fend for herself with The Thing, but come on... I had to be in a group with him last week, and I just could not do it again. I would've had to injure him. Bad.

Here's what was really gross. Computer Boy was sitting a few seats down from me, and I had an unfortunate view of an awful wardrobe malfunction. Ya know how some guys wear their pants waaaaay too low, and when they sit down or bend over you get almost a full moon? Well, Computer Boy's pants had slid so far down that 3/4 of his bare ass was in direct contact with his chair. Okay, could he not feel that????? I would think that he would recognize that the texture of the chair was markedly different than that of his pants, or that he would at least feel the draft on his skin. He must have a numb ass, because he just sat there making no move whatsoever to pull his frickin' pants up. For like at least an hour. Luckily the chair he was sitting in was different than all the other chairs in the room, so I can avoid ever sitting in it. I mean really. How rude. Now that chair probably smells like ass and is covered in E. coli. Get a frickin' belt, Computer Boy. Or maybe all men who wear their pants too low should be required by law to wear a sensor that beeps or gives them a little electric shock when they start showing too much coin slot.

Here's something that bummed me out and pissed me off. I had a really sucky day yesterday, and when I get angry or anxious I clench my teeth like there's no tomorrow. So I pretty much had my jaw clenched all day, and it stayed clenched at school as my frustration level continued to build. All of a sudden I realize that I have CHIPPED A FRICKIN' TOOTH. That's right friends. Right in the middle of class, I manage to clench a little piece of one of my front bottom teeth right off. I guess I need to work on stress reduction, or else wear a mouth guard all the time. Holy crap. So now I have to go to the frickin' dentist to get my tooth filed down or something. I hate going to the dentist. I hate the smell of dentistry, the whine of the drills, the taste of the tooth polish, the easy listening music... I hate it all. The very first time I saw my new dentist I told her to give me nitrous for any and all procedures. The only way I can tolerate having stuff done to my teeth without either gagging or having a panic attack is to be high as a frickin' kite. Oh no... I'm clenching my teeth again...

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