Saturday, October 14, 2006

Movies I wanna see

1. Jackass Number Two
I loved the first Jackass movie. There is something absolutely hilarious about people getting hurt, especially when they're doing it to themselves out of their own stupidity. The first time I saw Jackass (yeah, I saw it more than once and it never got less funny to me) I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. I can only imagine how much stupider (i.e. funnier) this one will be.

2. The Grudge 2
The first one was soooooo creepy. I love horror movies... always have, always will. The scarier the better. A movie with pissed off ghosts? Awesome. A sequel where the pissed off ghosts are even more pissed off? Priceless.

3. Saw III
The Saw movies are some of the goriest I've seen. Gore is good. Plus, the storyline is so twisted. There is nothing better than a suspenseful, gory movie that makes you have to think a little to figure out where the plot is going.

4. The Departed
Okay... this one is a departure for me. Not funny, not scary. But it has a great cast (except for Leonardo DiCaprio... could his head possibly get any larger???) and the plot sounds interesting. And Mark Wahlberg... yummy.

I'm trying to talk my husband and my best friend into seeing Jackass 2 with me. Yeah, they talk like they're too highbrow for such a dumb movie, but I know in my heart that they would both laugh their asses off. They secretly love to see dumbasses getting injured, almost as much as I do. At least I'm honest about it. I'd probably have an easier time talking them into seeing The Departed, but I'm going balls to the wall and pushing for Jackass.

The horror movies I will definitely have to see alone. No one I know could be cajoled into seeing them with me. So I will go to matinee showings, probably be the only one in the whole theater (not a terrible thing, because I can rattle my wrappers, laugh at inappropriate times and talk back to the screen as much as I want) and be sufficiently creeped out.

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