Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I started school again last night. This is my last year... in April I will finally earn my B.A. in Christian Ministry. Sweet.

This new class is on the significance of the New Testament. Very interesting subject, and the prof seems pretty cool. Tough, but cool. It's weird... he's several years younger than me, and he has a Ph.D. Makes me feel like a bit of an underacheiver.

The Thing That Wouldn't Shut Up is back with a vengeance. He pissed me off sooooooooooooo much last night. First of all, he didn't even open his textbooks before class. The bindings weren't even cracked. He even said that he didn't do any of the readings. However, he had a lot to say. How the hell can you participate in a discussion of the text in an intelligent manner when you haven't even read it????? Well, you can't. And he didn't. Blahblahblah, all frickin' night. "Yeah, when you said that, I started thinking about how so-and-so got himself a puppy, and how he wanted to bless that puppy..." What the frick????? What does that have to do with the formation of the New Testament canon in the third century???? The worst part was that the prof didn't seem able or willing to just cut him off and get back to the topic. I'm sure we could've gotten out of there at least a half hour earlier if that guy would've just put a frickin' sock in it.

The funny thing is that he's STILL calling that one lady "LeeAnn", and that's not even her name! For cripe's sake, we've been taking classes with her for a year and a half, and he still can't get her frickin' name right no matter how many times we tell him it's NOT "LeeAnn"! I mean, come on!

Apparently, this guy is going to be ordained as a Baptist minister in his church. I would hate, hate, frickin' HATE to go to his church and listen to one of his sermons. It would take like two hours, and it would most likely be a rambling, pointless, mispronounced mess and a half.

I still totally do not get how he continues to make his way through the program. He turns all his crap in late, if he turns it in at all. I know for a fact that he has turned in papers over a month after the end of a class. How can he be passing any class we've taken when he never does the frickin' work???

I know I shouldn't let this get to me, but it does. I work my frickin' ass off in school. I study, highlight, take notes, write my papers and turn them in on time. He has no job, has no kids at home, has a buttload more free time than I do, yet he never does the work for any class we've taken but somehow manages to pass. What the hell does he do all day???

Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system I feel much better. In my defense, I do have a bit of PMS this week so I'm feeling extra bitchy. Hopefully it will be gone by the next time I have class. If not, The Thing That Wouldn't Shut Up might end up getting his ass kicked.

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