Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Fair is a veritable smorgasbord-orgasbord-orgasbord...

We went to the "Great Minnesota Get-Together" on Friday night... every year I get more disenchanted with the frickin' fair.

The prices are outrageous... I mean, two bucks for a cup of Crystal Light lemonade??? Come on! And you know the midway rides are getting lame when the operator apologizes to you as you exit the ride.

The thing that gets me every year are the frickin' crowds. Why is it that the state fair removes everyone's ability to navigate and to avoid trampling people? If you know me well you know that I hate, hate, hate being touched by strangers. I get the "fight-or-flight" feeling going, and I get anxious and pissed off. One year, when I was really pregnant and couldn't control my emotions, I got so pissed off about people bumping into me constantly that I started pushing back. My parents were appalled. This year I was able to control my inner bitch, but I left wanting to beat down the next stranger who bumped into me, came to a dead stop in front of me, or came walking straight at me with no intention of stepping to one side or the other. Do not engage me in a standoff, people, because I can guarantee that you will not win.

The funniest thing I saw were these two old ladies who were riding giant tricycles. I kid you not. Adult sized trikes. With baskets on the front. Holy crap. I turned away to get my phone so I could snap a picture, but when I turned back they had gotten off the trikes to buy some cheese curds. Dang it. I gotta learn to move faster, because my prey always manages to escape before I can snap a pic.

I was sort of proud of myself as far as my food choices. I went for the high protein just like I'm supposed to do. I did cheat a little by drinking with my food so I could eat more, but all in all I was good. I had sauteed gator, shrimp cocktail, frozen grapes, and two sugar-free lemonades.

The kids were well-behaved, which made things a great deal easier. By around 9 PM they started whining about wanting to go home, but that was cool. We were about ready to go anyway.

I'm kinda glad we went for the kids' sakes, but I can't say I would mind skipping it next year.

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