Monday, September 11, 2006


The kids are back in school!!!!!!!!

Horrible of me, right? I should be cherishing every single moment I have with my beautiful children, right? Shya, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.

Don't get me wrong... I love my kids so much it hurts, but I also love my free time. My little ones have to catch the bus even before my teenagers, because they go to a charter school that only has four bus routes for the entire Twin Cities area. Luckily their bus stop is right by our house, so I don't have to drive them to a centralized location. One morning I let them sleep in for an hour and drove them to school so they wouldn't have to sit on the bus for an hour, and get this: THEY WERE PISSED OFF. They actually want to ride the bus for a frickin' hour each way because they have friends on the bus. Fine by me, because that means that I can do whatever I want between 6:45 AM and 3:45 PM. Nine hours of me time, baby. Sa-weet. Plus, they started school almost a full week before the regular school district, so I was out shopping while the other moms on the block were still wrangling kids.

I've started going to the gym again in the mornings. I didn't go all summer, and I felt really guilty about it. As punishment for my slacker ways, I've been working really hard. I'm especially working on my butt, abs, chest and arms. I've been doing 20-30 minutes on the elliptical, 20-30 minutes on the stationary bike, then lifting weights on the nautilus machines, and then doing ab crunches until I want to die. I've been steadily increasing my times, programs, levels and weights. My hope is to be significantly toned by the first anniversary of my weight loss surgery. I have a nice, long playlist of workout music, so that makes it easier. Lots of Prince, Guns 'n' Roses, Led Zeppelin, Violent Femmes, Aerosmith, Def Leppard and David Bowie, plus a little Elton John, Black Sabbath, Billy Joel, Kiss, Sex Pistols, and a couple selections from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Yeah, yeah... I know I'm a big geek, but I don't give a crap.

Well, off to enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee before I hit the shower (yes, I'm still sitting here in my sweaty workout clothes) and gear up for an afternoon of errands.

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