Sunday, November 12, 2006


So, I was up at the bar last night (shut up), and you will not believe who I saw!

The bartender alerts us to these two ladies sitting across the bar, and tells us that the chick in the white is talking nonstop, and the poor girl in the red can't get a word in edgewise. I took note, but didn't think too hard about it.

Suddenly, the girl in the red who can't get a word in edgewise is standing next to me, and she turns out to be one of my best friends from high school! What a frickin' trip.

This girl and I cried on each other's shoulders over various break-ups and mean girls (wow... and now I AM a mean girl), I was at her wedding, was one of the first non-family members to hold her new baby, and she was the one who drove me to the doctor's office when I found out I was knocked up with my twins. I think she was the first non-family member to hold my babies, too. We were super close... told each other practically everything.

She moved to 'Sconi about 10 or 11 years ago, and we lost touch. I really missed her. Apparently, she's back in the Twin Cities for good.

It was awesome to see her, and at my neighborhood hangout no less! We exchanged phone numbers, and I can't wait to get together with her to catch up.

The weird thing is that I was just thinking about her last week. I was thinking about my 20 year class reunion coming up next summer, and thinking that the only way I would go is if I went with one of my girlfriends. I found myself really wishing that I'd stayed in touch with this particular friend, because we both hated high school so much, and her sense of humor is as mean as mine, so I know we'd have fun. And then I saw her at frickin' Big Louie's. Sa-weet for me.

There was some weird stuff going on at the bar last night. There was this drunk couple across the bar, and the woman was totally bawling... I'm talking Ugly Crying. Nose running, eyes puffy, gasping for breath, the works. The guy was slurring his words something awful, and he was giving her these playful punches in the arm... not a smart thing to do with a crying chick. It was high drama for a while... fun to watch.

Then we come to find out that this one regular who comes up and plays pulltabs with his wife all the time, plus they fight constantly while they gamble, is sitting a ways down the bar and has just walked out on his wife. Holy crap. He's crying, and the pulltab lady is sitting with him, trying to make him feel better, I guess. Then, a little later, we notice that the pulltab lady has moved on to the drunk couple with the crying chick at the end of the bar, and she's encouraging them to play some pulltabs, like that's going to solve their problems or something. The funny thing was, it did seem to help. I mean, at first the chick was still kinda crying while opening pulltabs, but then she merely looked disgruntled, and then she actually seemed to get a little happier. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

Tonight are the Big Karaoke Finals. It should be pretty fun... I hear it's gonna be packed, which maybe makes me a little nervous, but all in all it should be a good time. My sister's coming up, plus a couple good friends, and even a lady I haven't met in person yet. I've been looking forward to meeting her, though. We met through a message board for people who have had bariatric surgery, and we've been emailing... she seems pretty cool. And she likes reading my blog, so that alone makes her super cool. I'm excited to hear all the other finalists perform tonight. There are some really good singers. Oh, and that one guy who does the frickin' Monster Mash. Can't wait. I'll tell ya all about it tomorrow.

Yesterday I got this kickass leather coat I've had my eye on, along with a pair of pink leather gloves. These gloves... when I first laid eyes on them I had a total out-of-body experience. I knew I had to possess these gloves no matter what. Lemme tell you, they feel as good as they look, and the fact that they are in my signature color is a magnificent bonus. The coat is black, goes about to my knees, and is very fitted. I feel pretty damned cool in it. It's so totally awesome to actually have a figure to fit a coat around for the first time... never thought the day would come.

Well, I gotta feed the fam before I head up to the bar. Wish me luck tonight.

1 comment:

Gentle Spirit said...

Well?!?!?!? Come on! Get typing! It's killin' me here - how'd it go?!?!?!