Thursday, November 09, 2006


Another thing that happened at Big Louie's last night...

Let me start by saying that one of the things I love about this place is the bartenders. I have a couple favorites, but they're all pretty cool, and they all know how to make a Southern Hospitality, which pleases me.

My absolute favorite is this young girl who is just a sweetie. Cute, bubbly, likes to talk, always interesting. Plus, she's the only bartender who gives me the extra booze from my Southern Hospitality in a little silver shaker. It's basically two drinks for the price of one. No wonder I get drunker when she's behind the bar. I went out drinking with her and a couple other bartenders from there one night... it was a total blast.

Anyhow, last night she was telling me about this magnet she saw that said, "Maybe I WANT to look cheap!" She asked if I would like to have one. Okay, being one who always analyzes conversations for nuances and hidden meanings, I go, "Why? Do I look cheap?" She said no, but now I'm a little paranoid.

I mean, sure I like to flash a little cleavage here and there, and maybe some of my jeans are a little... shall we say, "fitted." But I really hope I don't come off as cheap or slutty!

So now I'm looking in the mirror, totally paranoid that I look like a hootchie. Maybe too much eyeliner? Lipstick maybe a little too pink? Sweater too tight? I didn't think so yesterday, and I don't look any different today, but.... the MAGNET thing.

My girlfriends would tell me, right? Well, maybe not... they had no problem telling me that I drank too much last summer, and they have no problem giving me crap for picking up the smoking habit again, but last night I found out that they all pretty much thought I was too thin and needed to gain weight but never said a word about it until I told them I thought I'd lost a few pounds too many. Hmmm....

Maybe the truth will come out if I sit down with them and go, "I'm thinking I've been looking a little slutty lately..."

The thing is, even if they agreed, I'm not sure I could do the "suburban mom look" again... that look was me one hundred pounds ago because larger women really have no other choice, but it is sooooo not me now. I can finally wear really cute clothes that my 17 year old daughter is dying to borrow and, dammit, I'm gonna wear 'em!

Okay... maybe I WANT to look cheap.

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