Monday, November 13, 2006

Last Night

So, the Karaoke Finals were last night. I woke up with a nasty hangover this morning, so I know I had fun.

I didn't win anything, but I had an absolute blast... and really, that was all that mattered. I sang Welcome to the Jungle by Guns 'n' Roses... it's one of my favorite songs. When I do it I strut around the bar a couple of times, sing to the guys, and do a little dancin'. My husband said it was very sexy... like a striptease without the clothes coming off. My friend could see the judges from where he was sitting, and he said that one of the male judges kinda shook out the collar of his shirt while I was singing, ya know, like he was getting hot or something. Unfortunately, his wife was sitting next to him and also was one of the judges, and my friend said he could tell she didn't like me at all. But she looked like a shriveled, bitter bitch, so I didn't care. This one guy walked past me on his way to the bathroom and goes, "Ooooh, thank you, baby!" Funny.

There's this one hispanic dude that hangs out at Big Louie's all the time, and he's always giving me the eye. His English is not real great, so he doesn't say too much. I was talking to one of the girls, and he comes up and gives me a hug. I guess that was okay. But then.... he totally grabbed my ass. Seriously. The girl I was talking to goes, "No! No! Muy mal!" (No! No! Very bad!) And I'm pushing him away going, "No Mas! No Mas!" (No more! No more!) Holy frickin' crap, dude! Do Not Frickin' Touch Me! EVER! My husband sat there shooting daggers at him the rest of the night.

Okay, maybe I sorta had it comin'. I mean, I know my performance was a little provocative. Okay, maybe more than a little. But come on! Several guys came up and wanted to hug me, and I know it wasn't just to be nice. Of course they all wanted a giddy little thrill... I mean, guys are guys. I can't say I hate the attention, because it is flattering to know that men find me attractive. Hugs I can handle, requests for my phone number can be easily deflected, compliments are very nice, but ass-grabbing is a definite no-no. A DEFINITE no-no.

The Monster Mash guy was there, totally in costume as expected. He didn't win anything either. My sister and brother-in-law came up, and Monster Mash came over to say hi. My brother-in-law is probably close to seven feet tall... he is HUGE. Monster Mash comes maybe up to my shoulder, and I'm only 5' 4". I wish my brother-in-law had stood up to say hi to Monster Mash... the poor little guy probably would've ended up staring straight into his crotch.

There was this kinda creepy guy up there... he was wearing a black t-shirt with this huge cross necklace. He seemed like he'd be a child molester or something. Just gave off a weird, yucky vibe all night. And he was up there with this one chick... the first time I saw her, I honestly couldn't tell if she was a man or a woman. She has a total mustache and a unibrow. I think she might be working on growing a goatee, too. The creepy guy went over to try to pick up this one hot chick, and after about thirty minutes the bearded lady got pissed and kinda yelled at him. It was fun to watch. Another weird guy that is up there a lot lately has bleached blond hair and the most orange skin I've ever seen. He looks like a frickin' Oompa Loompa. He seriously needs to lay off the tan in a can. My husband says he stares at us, but I've never seen it.

My favorite bartender gave me a gift last night: a magnet that says something like, "If you can't say anything nice about someone, I want to hear it!", and a cigarette case that says, "Damn right I keep score!" Both have ladies from the 50's on the front... too cool. She is such a sweetheart.

I love Big Louie's. Awesome bartenders, interesting regulars, lots of great people-watching and high drama, and one of the only places I know where you can smoke inside.

The only sucky thing is that now my sweet leather coat totally smells like smoke.

I'm procrastinating on writing a paper that's due tomorrow night. I was supposed to read a book and write a literature review, and I haven't even finished the frickin' book. I am a master at putting things off until the absolute last minute... I'm always late to parties, events, church, etc, and I usually finish my papers about thirty minutes before I have to leave for school. I'm not sure why I always do this to myself... maybe it fulfills my own sick need for a little extra drama. Who knows?

Anyway, I'm glad the karaoke contest is done. Now I can go back to goofing around and really enjoying my Sunday Nights at the Church of Big Louie's.

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