Thursday, November 09, 2006

Aerosmith, Baby!

Yeah, that's right... I'm gonna see Aerosmith at the Target Center in December. I so cannot wait.

Even though Steven Tyler is old enough to be my dad and seems to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal, there is something decidedly sexy about him. I know some people are freaked out by the huge mouth and lips... I'll admit, they make him look a little like a muppet... but for some reason I kinda like 'em. I would imagine he's a pretty great kisser, if he can avoid swallowing the chick's whole head.

My husband is taking me to the concert. I'm not completely sure why, because I don't even think he really likes me right now. And he hates Aerosmith, in fact, he calls them "Aerocrap." I have a girlfriend who would've gone with me instead, but my husband said no go. For reasons I can't entirely go into here, he doesn't trust me any farther than he can throw me. A small part of it is that he's witnessed one too many guys hitting on me at the bar... but that was before I got my wedding rings resized. Now, as long as I'm wearing my bling, most guys have enough common sense to keep their distance. Ya know, one hundred pounds ago he wouldn't have given a crap if men hit on me... but then I looked like Jabba the frickin' Hut, so no men ever did.

Our 17 year old son wanted to go with me, but I told him to just trust me when I say that a teenaged boy does NOT want to be caught dead at an Aerosmith concert with his mom, and especially not when that mom lusts after Steven Tyler. He goes, "Why? Will you be dancing around? Singing? Drinking? Smoking? Flashing?" I go, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, and possibly." (I wouldn't really flash anyone... even I have my standards... I just wanted to gross my kid out.) He just rolls his eyes and goes, "Well, you have fun embarrassing Dad, then." I assured him that I will.

Break out the extra-grande tube of chapstick, Steven baby... here I come.

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