Monday, November 06, 2006

Brilliant strategist or control freak?

You be the judge.

A couple of people recently said that it is impossible to win an argument with me. As ridiculous as that may sound, it just may be true. I'm not bragging or anything... I'm just sayin'.

The stated reason for my undefeated status is that I usually come at an argument from my opponent's position. I figure out what the other person's stance is, hit it before they have a chance to do it themselves, and then state my case. In doing so, I render any attempt the other person makes to take a stand seem redundant and irrelevant.

Okay... I guess I do resort to what may be seen as dirty fighting when the stakes are high. I totally admit that. However, it appears to be second nature for me. Not that I'm making excuses, mind you... I'm just sayin'.

So my question is this: Is this a result of my freakish need to somehow control every situation and maintain the upper hand, or is it a result of my naturally analytical, strategically-inclined thought process? Or could it be a little of both?

Here are some other questions that follow: If I do in fact fight this way, is it undesirable? Do I need to release my intensity, back down, and, in essence, roll over and show my opponent my belly? (If you took that in a sexual way, you're a perv.) If I do just letitgo, am I somehow denying my true nature and becoming something I was never intended to be? Or, if I choose to continue trying to remain one step ahead of the game, am I dooming myself to a lonely life, surrounded by people who either can't or no longer wish to try to stand up to me? And is it really possible for me to choose at all?

Which leads me to ask this: Is this post starting to remind you of that scene in The Princess Bride where the little smart guy goes on and on while trying to decide which cup of wine contains the iocaine poison, and in the end he drops dead anyway because both cups are poisoned?

Man, my head hurts... I think I broke something. If you were looking to pick a fight with me, now would be a good time... you would definitely have the advantage.

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