Sunday, November 26, 2006

Breastfeeding in Public

Got your attention, didn't I?

So I was listening to this story on the news about this woman who was nursing her baby on a Delta flight, and refused to cover her boobs. So the flight attendant kicked her, her husband and their baby off the flight. Apparently nursing mothers across the country had "nurse-in" protests at airports everywhere. The flight attendant was later disciplined by the airline, and Delta apologized to the family.

Know what, lady? You should have taken the damned blanket and covered your frickin' boobies. Yeah, breastfeeding is natural and beautiful and all that crap, but no one should have to look at your veiny, leaking milk machines while you're doing it.

Listen, I nursed four babies. I know it's sometimes difficult to maintain your modesty in public when you have a little one squirming in your lap and yanking at your shirt while he or she nurses. But for cripes sake, I at least tried! I never went out in public without a large blanket to drape over my front in case I had to nurse my baby while out and about. In fact, now they have these huge bibs that you can find in any department store. They snap around your neck so your cover can't fall down and leave you exposed.

Draping a blanket over you and your baby is not going to suffocate the little angel. The kid's head may get a little sweaty, but he'll live. One lady was saying that she didn't want to cover up because she likes to make eye contact with her baby while he nurses. Okay, fine. More power to ya. But that doesn't mean you have to have your blouse tucked up under your frickin' armpits. I mean, seriously. Leave one jug under wraps, and pull your shirt down enough to cover the exposed one and still be able to see your kid.

It's not rocket science, honey. Yeah, you have the right to nurse your baby anywhere you want to. But the rest of us have the right to not have to look into your headlights while you're doing it. Seriously.

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