Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Okay, so I gotta know...

Now, I need to start this off with a disclaimer. Usually I write my posts stone cold sober. Tonight I am writing with a pretty good buzz on. Homemade Jagbombs rule, but that's beside the point here. This is a first-rate look into the true, uncensored, drunken meanness of my mind. I'll take a look at this post in the light of day tomorrow and decide whether or not it's actually Bogurdine-worthy. If it's still here by midnight tomorrow you can assume I remain generally happy with the content. Either way, this may be a once-in-a-lifetime shot for those of you reading this.

I was watching South Park on the CW, and it was one of my favorite episodes. Cartman puts a picture of Kenny with his ass sticking out the hood of his parka on the side of a milk carton as a missing person, and the family of a missing kid with a genetic disorder that causes them to have buttocks where their faces should be comes around hoping that Cartman has info about their missing buttfaced kid. Every time the couple says the "Sssss" sound it sounds like a fart. It's so hysterically funny that Cartman totally loses his sense of humor and poses this question: "Could something be so totally hilarious that you could never think anything is funny ever again?" This concept has me thinking.

Could this possibly be true? If I see something that strikes me so funny that I fall on the ground laughing, could it actually break my funny bone to the point where nothing in the world could ever top it again?

If I see some old lady totally biff it on the ice and she sliiiiiides on her ass for about 10 feet and then just lays there for a few minutes, totally hurt, until someone stops and asks, "Are you okay," and she says, "NO," would it totally break my funny bone? What if instead of laying there she hops back up, looking around to make sure no one saw her, and gingerly goes on her way? Would that do it? Or what if, when she hops up, I run up to her and laugh hysterically while telling her that I totally saw her go down and she stares at me with that combined look of embarrassment and anger that I imagine a comment like that would bring on, and I proceed to laugh until I hyperventilate and pass out on the sidewalk, conking my head on the way down? Would I never be able to laugh again?

Part of me would really, really like to see this theory put to the test. I dream and fantasize about the day when I see something so hilarious that nothing in the world could possibly compare. On the other hand, I absolutely cannot fathom never laughing at the misfortunes of others again. I would hate to get to the point where I stop laughing and start caring.

Hmmm... caught between a rock and a hard place... just where I like to be.

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