Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Last Night

School totally rocked last night for several reasons.

1. The Thing That Wouldn't Shut Up wasn't there. It's unbelievable to me how different the vibe of the class is without his presence. The discussion actually flowed, and even the basic mood was lighter. This is totally wicked, but I'm kinda hoping he was absent because he finally got booted from the program. That would be awesome. Not for him, I'm sure, but for the rest of us who actually WORK.

2. I gave my presentation on a heresy, and it went very well. In fact, the prof used it as an example of how he wants it done. Bonus. It's worth 30% of my grade, so I'm happy to know that I did alright. Plus, it's over and out of the way, which is a huge load off my mind. I hate, hate, frickin' McHate public speaking... it gives me hives. Funny how I can get up in front of a bunch of people and belt out a few songs without a second thought, but if I have to give a speech I feel like puking. Well, anyhow, it's done and I'm glad.

3. At the end of class my friends pointed out the fact that Computer Boy was standing in the front of the room with his back to us and pretty much his entire bare ass hanging out. Oh, it was priceless. When I first walked into class I sat on the opposite side of the room from him. He asked me if I was afraid of him. No, I'm not afraid of him. The fact of the matter was that he smelled really bad, like deep-fried ass, and you all know how I am about smells.

So, yeah... if every remaining class could be like last night I would be a happy girl. Okay, maybe I'd miss ripping on The Thing a little bit... but the benefits of his absence far outweigh the drawbacks.

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