Monday, January 01, 2007

Does anyone else find this funny???

So, I'm watching TV this morning, trying hard to wake up. (Yeah, I had a good New Year's Eve.) There's this commercial for Weight Watchers... I'm sure you've seen it. It's the one that's all about "after" the weight loss.

Anyhow, the ladies are saying things like, "After I lost 52 lbs," and "After I started exercising," etc. Then there's a shot of this lady holding a huge-ass plate of burgers, and the voice over goes, "After I learned to eat right."

I'm sorry, but since when is eating a whole platter of quarter pounders with cheese eating right???? This strikes me funny every frickin' time I see it. If she were really learning to eat right they'd show her with a crappy little salad and a skinless chicken breast, but instead they let people think that if they just join Weight Watchers they can still scarf down 12 greasy burgers at a sitting and lose a buttload of weight.

Come on, people! Are we really that stupid, that gullible, that we actually think that we don't have to drastically change our eating habits to get the pounds off??? Does Weight Watchers really think that we look at the skinny chick with the giant platter of beef patties and go, "Sweet! I'm joining up!" Yeah. "Here, Weight Watchers! Take all my hard-earned money! I'll come to the meetings, count my points, spend them all eating crap, and then still be crying next New Year's Eve because I didn't learn a damned thing! Where do I sign up?"

Or there's the alternative scenario: the chick eats salads and pieces of white meat the size of a deck of cards and exercises like a fiend for a year, loses the weight, but THEN thinks that now that she's thin she can start eating like a trucker again and no longer has to work out daily. And of course, Weight Watchers has really done nothing substantial to teach her that this is not an option, because they want this poor woman to keep coming back and giving them her money to try to figure out what she's doing wrong.

How do I know this? Lemme tell ya, I did the yo-yo dieting thing for nearly two decades before I finally resorted to surgery to correct my weight problem. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Weigh-Down Workshop, you name it. They're all the same. They all make you think that watching what you eat is only for a season, only until you get the weight off. No one really wants you to learn a new habit that you can carry over into the rest of your life. They all want you coming back, fatter than ever, begging for help because the weight never stays off. That sucks. Massively. It's all about the money. They don't really give a flying frick what happens to you in the long run.

Having said all that, I will now step off my soap box to tell you that I still laugh my frickin' ass off every time I see that chick on TV, holding her giant platter of burgers and talking about how she's learned to eat right.

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