Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Dick Enrico can't spell.

You know who I'm talking about. The 2nd Wind Exercise Equipment guy. "Why buy new when slightly used will do?" And who hasn't seen the creepy ads in bar bathrooms with the baby sporting the signature afro and molestache?

There's just something yucky and creepy about this guy. I can't quite put my finger on it. For some reason, I think he looks like he would reek. He also seems like he would be kinky, and not in a fun sexy way. Of course, I have absolutely no evidence or data to back up these feelings, it's just a gut reaction thing.

One thing I do know for sure: he needs to fire whoever edits the text for his TV commercials. When he says, "Lose weight," the text scrolling down the right hand side of the screen says, "Loose weight." Like one merely has to untie a rope or something and set the pounds free. Like dropping sandbags from a hot air balloon or something.

Okay, okay... I know it's petty and nitpicky for me to notice such inconsequential details and get bent out of shape enough about them that I feel the need to post about them. I know that from time to time there are grammatical and spelling errors right here on Bogurdine that I fail to catch. But come on... I'm talking about a TV commercial for this guy's business, and there is a gross misspelling that sits on the screen for a good portion of the time. If, after multiple airings of this commercial this stupid error has gone unnoticed by either Dick or his staff, then they should all be fired or at least have their Christmas bonuses revoked.

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