Friday, December 15, 2006

My Christmas Wish List

I love stuff. I love getting presents. Here is my Christmas list this year.

1. Peace on earth. (Not really... I'm much more shallow than that. I just wanted to appear selfless for a split second.)
2. The Electric Company on DVD. That show rocked when I was a kid. I have been waiting for years for it to come out on DVD, and now my dream has come true. Remember Easy Reader? Uh, uh, uh.
3. The second season of Grey's Anatomy on DVD. That show is awesome. Patrick Dempsey is so yummy. Hey, this could turn out to be a DVD Christmas all around! And I totally need another way to blow off my daily responsibilities... sitting on my ass drooling over Dr. McDreamy sounds like the perfect choice.
4. Beautiful by Estee Lauder. That is my scent. Bath gel, lotion, perfume, I'll take anything. Sometimes I overdo it a little with the perfume, just because I love the smell so much.
5. Gift cards to my favorite clothing stores: Aeropostale, The Gap, and Ann Taylor. Victoria's Secret would also be acceptable. Mind you, it must be gift cards. I don't trust anyone to pick out my wardrobe for me. I am very picky about colors, fabrics, and cuts.
6. A gift certificate for a 90 minute massage. I carry so much tension in my neck and shoulders, and I've had a lot of tension lately. There was this massage therapist at this hospice conference I went to... he was awesome. I would so love to spend a good hour and a half with him and let him work out my knots. Now before you take that wrong, he's totally gay and I was talking about the knots in my muscles. No sexual innuendos at Christmastime. At least not in my wish list.
7. A frickin' heated seat for my mom-mobile. I am always freezing, and getting in the car to drive the kids to school in the morning is just brutal. My husband's truck has heated seats... it's so nice to have a toasty ass when it's cold outside.

I think those are the main things I covet this holiday season. I'll let ya know if I think of anything else I feel I can't live without.

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