Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Best Christmas Present EVER

I had school last night, and The Thing That Wouldn't Shut Up was blahblahfricketyblahing as usual. But there was one moment that made this particular night of rambling so very memorable.

The Thing was talking about something that was apparently very important to him, although I had no clue what the hell he was going on about, and he goes, "Yeah, it was like a 10.0 on the rectal scale." It took me a split second, but then I realized he meant the Richter scale. I had to clap my hand over my mouth, get up and leave the room quick to avoid laughing hysterically in front of him. I mean, holy crap, dude... how do you confuse an asshole with an earthquake???

That one moment alone made the three and a half hours of pointless ramblings entirely worth it last night. I couldn't wait to get home and share this priceless snippet of classic Thingism with anyone who would listen. I actually sped all the way home because I seriously could not wait to start spreading my mean-spirited joy.

What an absolutely marvelous Christmas present from my favorite classmate. Holy frickin' crap. I'm still laughing out loud about this one.

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