Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It Finally Happened!

I did it. Last night at school I kicked The Thing That Wouldn't Shut Up in the shin.

First of all, in my defense, I am sick. Yeah, I know you're saying, "Sick in the head," and I freely admit to that, but I'm talking physically ill. I have a horrible head and chest cold, and I had a nasty fibromyalgia flare-up yesterday. Everything hurt, I had vertigo and a headache, and generally felt like crap.

So I'm at school, and The Thing is going on and on about nothing as usual. He bugs the frickin' crap out of me when I'm at my best, but when I'm sick... holy crap. I wanted to hurt him. We get put into discussion groups to talk about the similarities/differences between four worldviews, and I have the misfortune of getting stuck with The Thing. We're talking about the difference between polytheistic worldviews and monotheistic worldviews. Now, this should not be difficult, since we took a class last spring on worldviews. Well, anything involving The Thing automatically becomes difficult. He's struggling with the definition of polytheism, and I lost it. I go, "Ya know, we just took a WHOLE FRICKIN' CLASS on this stuff. You should know this." He goes, "I can't keep all that information in my head."

I got exasperated, and I kicked him in the shin. Sad thing was, it didn't even phase him. Nor did it shut him up. Made me wish I'd kicked him a lot harder.

Many of you thought I've always been the bitchiest chick on earth. You were so wrong. NOW I am officially the bitchiest chick on earth.

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