Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Shopping

Okay, I know I said I love spending money... and I really, really do.

What I do not love is spending eight hours straight running from store to store, mall to mall, two of those hours with the kids in tow, with hardly a break.

Now, I know this marathon shopping trip was partially my own fault... okay, all my own fault, because I am the Queen of Procrastination and waited until the final minute to start my Christmas shopping. But DAMN. I have a great deal of stamina, especially when it comes to things that I take pleasure in, but after yesterday I was so very, very tired. Too tired to go out, even. I had one double jag bomb out in the garage last night and then fell into bed.

I take satisfaction in the fact that my shopping is done, the gifts are wrapped and under the tree, and all I have to worry about now is buying stuff to make corn pudding for Christmas Eve and an egg bake for Christmas morning, and stopping to get a couple bottles of champagne and a couple movies to veg out with on Christmas night.

I suppose I can do those things tomorrow. For right now, I don't even want to think about shopping.

Dear God... did I really just say that?????

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