Thursday, August 03, 2006

Kingdom of the Toads

Okay, right now, this second, I am officially the coolest mom on earth. Of course that may change five minutes from now, but for right this minute, I'll take it.

My 8 year old son found a few toads in one of the window wells this morning, so I told him I'd let him keep them for a couple days. We went out and got a house for them and some really, really gross crickets for them to eat.

In case you haven't figured this out, I am a complete girly-girl. I hate bugs, reptiles, rodents, snakes, and any other creepy crawlies. So the whole toad thing is a huge stretch for me.

When my son brought one in the house to show it to me the thing almost got away, and he ended up hanging onto it by one leg. Yeah... much to my own shame, I ended up screaming and nearly climbing over the back of the couch. I shooed him back outside, but then another one of those horrid little things started climbing out of the bucket on the back step and almost touched my foot... again with the screaming.

So how I ended up allowing those gross little buggers to spend a few days in a container in my living room is beyond me... and how I managed to find myself at the pet store holding a bag full of live crickets... I still feel totally creeped out, and probably will until the toads are back in the window well where they belong.

But if you could've seen the look in my little boy's eyes today... my temporary hero status is well worth a little case of the creeps.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

You are seriously a cool mom. I think they would really enjoy their "vacation" in your home. It's a warm place, and dinner delivered right to their abode. What more could a toad ask for???