Tuesday, August 08, 2006

No more toads

Well, I convinced my little boy to let the toads go last Friday.

He only had them for a day, but he and his little sister kept fighting over who got to look at them, who got to sit closest to the cage, etc. And lately when they fight they start beating the crap out of each other. Not cool. Plus, a friend of mine told me that the toads would die if I let my kid keep them for much longer, and that made me feel like crap. I totally do not want any animal deaths on my conscience.

So my son said a tearful goodbye to the toads, which made me feel even crappier. So crappy that I told him I'd buy him a frickin' tadpole and let him grow it into a frog that he could keep. Of course, tadpoles are out of season... he won't be able to get one until the end of September.

That means I have a couple months to overcome my hatred of everything creepy crawly, because apparently I've committed to the whole tadpole/frog thing for the long haul. What the hell have I done???


Donna said...

Hey, sarcasm is my forte. I was sitting outside last night and there was a huge toad in the window well... it totally creeped me out... so I have a feeling I'll just have to get used to being creeped out as long as my kid owns his tadpole/frog.

Donna said...

Yeah, we could do a duet... and maybe if I kissed him he would turn into Prince. That would make it all worth it.

Theresa said...

Haha...turn into "Prince", that's a good one. It's Donna's own personal fairy tale!