Thursday, August 03, 2006


So, for some reason I am watching Maury on tv, and there's this mom crying over her 68 lb, 2 year old kid. Holy frickin' crap. The poor baby wears a girls' size 9, and her boobs are bigger than mine. She can hardly walk. She's stopped breathing in her sleep three times because she's so overweight. SHE IS STILL A FRICKIN' BABY.

This mom is tearfully explaining her kid's diet: three eggs, waffles and sausages for breakfast, a few hotdogs and a pizza for lunch, and like half a fried chicken, a box of mac and cheese, and a bunch of veggies for dinner. Yeah... kudos on getting the veggies in there, mom.

Who the hell is in charge here??? The kid is frickin' TWO. If you want your kid to be healthy, stop feeding her like she's a trucker. "But, if I don't give her what she wants, she throws a tantrum..." WHATEVER. At least she's getting a little exercise then. Quit your damn whining and take charge, idiot.

The kicker is that this poor excuse for a parent parades her kid out on stage in a two-piece outfit with her gut hanging over the waistband, and makes her do a little Truffle Shuffle to the Maury theme music. Can we say EXPLOITATION???

Maury Povich... what a frickin' pig. Way to have a show that encourages people like this stupid woman to bring their poor kids on there like sideshow freaks in the first place.

Of course I suppose that, instead of letting this crap get my undies in a bunch, I could just shut it off. Besides, I think there are two toothless bisexual hillbilly cousins fighting over who gets to shack up with their grandpa on Jerry Springer... where's my frickin' remote?

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