Thursday, July 27, 2006


I am done with school until sometime in September!!! Okay, not totally done, because I have to wrap up my practicum during August, but I have a month without any classes! No sitting in a crappy hard chair for four hours (we don't even get decent breaks... 5-10 minutes to pee, and that's it... I'd get longer breaks slinging fries at McDonald's), no more lectures, no more madly scribbling notes as the prof flips quickly through his power point presentation, no more listening to the Thing that Wouldn't Shut Up, no more text books, no more cranking out three term papers every week.... at least, not for the next 6 weeks. I feel free, lemme tell ya. Maybe now I can relax and de-stress.

Apparently, my stress level and my unhealthy coping mechanisms have become alarming to those closest to me. I suppose I can see why, if I really stop to think about it. However, as of now, I am choosing not to think too hard about anything. I'm just gonna let it all go and see where the chips fall. I want to enjoy my life and all that it entails, naysayers and buzzkills be damned.

So, here's to hedonistic, hilarious, stress-free living. And baby, I'm gonna live it up big. At least for the next six weeks.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Hey, thanks Andrea! It's about time you started blogging, ya know. Good conversation starter on there, by the way.