Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My Weekend

So, I was up in Brainerd, MN for the 4th of July. We went to the Brainerd Jaycees Corn Feed, and I was pretty excited. Usually the Corn Feed is a mullets' paradise, and I was armed with my camera phone, so I thought I'd get some pretty sweet shots of some Brainerd plumage. So we get there... and there's NOTHIN'. No mullets at all. I was flabbergasted. I searched for over an hour... I still can't believe that the mullets didn't represent at the frickin' Jaycees Corn Feed. I mean, an open field, port-a-potties, and free corn on the cob... what's not to love??? The only mildly amusing things I saw were a lady feeding corn on the cob to a pet monkey, and a kid wearing a dog collar.

The dog collar kid must have been about 15 or 16, and had long hair down to his butt. He's probably a burnout/theater geek. And I'll bet he works the Renaissance Festival. He totally acted like a Festie. But the dog collar... I almost laughed out loud. It was a red nylon buckle collar... the kind you can get at Target for $5.99. Okay, I get that he was trying to express his individuality. More power to him. But if you're gonna wear a dog collar so people will look at you, invest in a nice leather one for cripes sake. I was gonna take a picture of him for my blog, but he got away.

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