Friday, June 30, 2006

I have insomnia!!!

Okay, this is night number two where I'm up at 3AM and can't fall alseep again. I was productive, however. I finished my response paper for my OT class and emailed it to the prof, so I don't have to even think about school over the 4th of July. Sa-weet.

I was just thinking about winter, and how much I secretly love it when people slip on the ice. I personally haven't biffed it for several years running, so there is a certain smugness in the joy I feel when someone else wipes out.

My favorite is when someone not only wipes, but sliiiiides on their ass a little ways after they fall. Yeah, that's golden. My second favorite biff is the near-biff where someone loses their footing, but then regains their balance, but stops to look around to see if anyone saw them. I totally want to run up to them and go, "I totally saw you! That was freakin' awesome!" I never will, though, because some people are mental and I'm liable to get capped.

My little sister used to fall down the stairs all the time when we were growing up. It was hilarious. For some reason she'd get all hyper and start running for no reason. Then she'd hit the stairs and end up at the bottom in a crumpled little heap. Oh, it was magnificent. I never got tired of seeing that. I'd always go check to make sure she was okay, but usually I was laughing so hard I couldn't really ask her until I caught my breath. The very best biffs were the ones when I would ask if she was okay, and she'd go, "NO!" Then I'd start laughing all over again until I started hyperventilating. Every once in a while she'd even fall going UP the stairs. Usually she'd start running, saying something dumb like, "I'm gonna go drink the last Coke! Syke!" She'd get about halfway up, and then I'd hear the telltale "BOOMBOOMBOOM". I'd look, and there was the crumpled little heap of albino, right back at the bottom of the stairs where she started. Oh, those were the days. She never suffered any permanent physical damage from her frequent falls, so I don't feel too bad about laughing my ass off at her expense. In fact, she still wipes out all the time. And she still occasionally starts running for no good reason. I love her.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Those running up the stairs ones are the funniest to me. It totally reminds me of being a kid (I still am) and my sister and I would be going up the stairs. If I was behind her I'd start going up really fast and then she'd hear me and get paranoid that I was gonna grab her. So she'd start running up as fast as she could and be laughing ant the same time. This is a very difficult thing to do, so often she would trip or lose her footing a bit. She would get me back too. Now I do it to my kids and they freak out and fall up the stairs too. Fun stuff.