Sunday, March 04, 2007

New Job

This has been quite a week.

A few weeks ago I called my old supervisor at the hospice where I used to work, told her my situation, and asked if there would be any way I can get my old nursing job back. It just so happens that they are really hurting for nurses, and she told me she'd try to get a position posted.

Well, it only took her about a week. She totally jumped on it and pushed it through in record time. I went in and filled out all the paperwork, and I had my interview last week. It was really only a formality since they already know me. In fact, my supervisor said, "It's silly that you have to jump through all the beaurocratic hoops for this. I know you, love you, and can't wait to have you as a part of our family again. In fact, I wish I could clone you about ten times over." She told me that she knows I'm a good nurse, that I give excellent patient care, am very comforting and supportive with the families, and am loved and respected by my coworkers.

Wow. I so needed to hear that. Nothing like feeling needed and wanted.

The huge bonus is that I'll be cross-trained to several different areas of hospice, so I'll have plenty of hours. I won't be eligible for benefits because technically I'll be casual part-time, but that's fine with me. The nice thing about being casual is that I'm not locked into a schedule. I can turn down shifts if I need to for days the kids don't have school, etc.

I'll primarily be doing home care, which means that all my hours will be on weekdays during the day with an occasional Saturday and no holidays. Bonus. I'll do shifts at the residence as my schedule allows and as they need me, but I'll mostly be doing home and nursing home visits.

I cannot tell you how perfectly this works out for my situation. This is such a huge relief. One less thing to stress out about. Worrying about how I would make enough money to leave my husband has been keeping me up at night.

Now I just have to find a place to live and figure out how to furnish it. I guess that means a few more restless nights, but at least I feel like the wheels are in motion.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

That's awesome. I'm excited for you. If I ever need a home nurse, I'll be callin' for you.