Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm so frickin' old.

My babies turned 18 last weekend. EIGHT-FRICKIN-TEEN. I now officially have two adult children. If that ain't enough to make you feel old as dirt, I don't know what is.

Here's what's funny: my son is all like, "Now I'm an adult. I can do whatever I want, and you can't tell me what to do anymore." To which I replied BULL. I gave the "as long as you live under our roof" speech (something I thought I'd never do because it sounds so lame). I mean, this kid can't even get his ass out of bed in the morning to catch the school bus. He has no job, no car, and his grades suck. As far as I'm concerned, these are not the marks of a responsible adult who is ready for the real world, and I let him know it.

My daughter is responsible for the most part. She gets pretty decent grades, has a job, and is usually very reliable. She's heading off to college in the fall... not sure how I feel about that. I mean, I'm not worried about her because I think she's got a pretty good head on her shoulders, but man will I miss her. I'm not sure how I feel about one of my babies living hundreds of miles away. And she's going to college with her boyfriend, which could end in disaster.

Next week she and I are going to her school for academic orientation. I dread sitting with a bunch of other parents I don't know for an entire day listening to lectures about financial aid and crap, but it will be cool to stay at a hotel for a couple nights and just hang out with my daughter. I think she and I will have fun together.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Yea for Katie, but Chris...well, that boy needs to respect his mama. Lemme smack him a few times for you.

How was orientation week? Fun? Sad? Boring? Enlightening? A hassle? Exciting? Freak you outish? All of the above?