Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I saw it!

I'm driving the kids to school this morning, and I just happen to glance at this guy walking down the sidewalk just as he totally biffs it on the ice.

He totally went down hard. His feet flew out from under him, and if my windows had been down I'm pretty sure I would have heard him go, "Oof," when he hit the ground. I wish my windows had been down. He didn't slide on his ass, which was somewhat disappointing, but watching him try to get up totally made up for it.

The guy's feet kept slipping out from under him while he was trying to get up. It was awesome. He finally managed to get back on his feet, but he looked like an injured, deformed frog as he was getting up. His legs were all shaky and bowed out to the sides.

Here's the horrible part: I found myself feeling just a little bit bad for the guy. Yeah, I totally laughed my ass off, but I felt a little bad doing it. Holy crap, what is happening to me? I cannot have the joy of watching a sweet biff marred by... dare I say it... caring. Am I losing my appreciation for the art of the great winter wipeout? Man, I guess I just gotta toughen up. I cannot allow sympathetic tendencies to spoil my fun.

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