Sunday, February 25, 2007

Aw Shut Up!

Yeah, so I can hardly even watch the frickin' news anymore.

They're going on and on about the frickin' snow, the driving conditions, snow emergencies, etc. like it's a frickin' natural disaster of epic proportions. Come on, you frickin' idiots... this is Minnesota, and it's frickin' WINTER. Yeah, there's a lot of snow out there, but for cripes' sake... IT HAPPENS. EVERY YEAR, DUMBASSES. IT'S MINNESOTA.

There is absolutely no valid reason to dedicate an entire hour of local news to snow. I'm sure there is plenty else going on in the world that merits coverage. As much as I hate to hear about the misery and destruction going on in other parts of the world, I hate the constant snow coverage much, much more.

No, I don't want to see roving reporters interviewing people who are trying to shovel their cars out so they can go to work. Leave them the hell alone... they're probably already late, and you are just compounding the problem by holding them up, asking them inane questions about their shoveling technique. No, I don't want to see the stiff-haired, faux-tanned anchor people wearing suits that scream, "I have a major stick up my ass," with fake looks of concern plastered on their faces as they report on the news truck that is currently stuck in the station's parking lot. No, I don't want to see the weather guy standing outside holding up a shovel full of snow like he's never seen it before in his life, grinning like a frickin' mental patient, telling me for the five zillionth time how much snow we've gotten and how much more we can expect.

As I previously stated: it's Minne-frickin'-sota, it's bound to snow large amounts every frickin' year, it's not that big a frickin' deal, so shut up, shut up, shut the hell up.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

HAHAHA that's great. I actually never thought about how stupid it is when a newscaster shows us a shovel full of snow. That's ridiculous, but it happens all the frickin time!

I mostly agree with you. I mean, duh, we do live in Minne-frickin-sota so it's nothing new to us, and there are more important things to report on. But I also enjoy watching the weather conditions sometimes. Not to the extent of some however. I know people who enjoy watching the Weather Channel for the fun of it...every day...just to see the weather all over the United States. That's a bit extreme.