Sunday, February 25, 2007

Can't decide

I was up at Big Louie's last Sunday, and an acquaintance of mine said that most people up there think I'm a stupid bitch because of the whole rumor mill thing and my current marital situation. Hmmmm. Of course, I got very upset and fled in tears, spewing various expletives.

Now I'm not sure if I want to go up there anymore. I mean, I hate the idea of people looking at me and thinking nasty things about me. I shouldn't really care, because most of them are stupid barflies who don't even know me, but for some reason it matters.

One of my friends hasn't been able to go up there for a month, and she's going up tonight and wants to see me. I'd love to see her, and she's let me know several times that it's important to her that I go and hang out with her, but I just don't know if I can bring myself to do it. She says that I shouldn't care what other people think, because I know the truth and so do the people who care about me, and that's all that should matter. She even offered to start a horrible rumor about herself so everyone will forget about me entirely. Crazy. Sweet, but crazy.

So I'm totally going back and forth about what to do. "Should I stay or should I go... If I go there will be troubllllle... And if I stay it will be double... So come on and let me know... Should I cool it or should I blow?"

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