Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Boys are yucky and dumb.

I don't care how old or "mature" they get to be, they're still yucky, dumb pervs at heart.

I'm leading an exercise class at work 3 times a week. Remember, I work at an assisted living place, so the average age of my residents is about 86 yrs old.

The first time I led it last week, there were four little old men in the back row. We were doing chest presses, and I realized that every single one of them was ogling my rack! And not in a sneaky way, either... just STARING. I kept trying to make eye contact so they'd get embarrassed and look away from the headlights, but to no avail.

Yesterday I led the class again, and this time the 4 guys from the back row were front and center. Right smack in front of me and my sweater puppies. For god's sake, if you're gonna ogle, at least don't be so frickin' obvious about it!I mean, one guy even made a couple comments about my flexibility and my "sexy boots" right in front of his wife. Later I noticed that couple waiting for the elevator. I got on and so did the wife, but the dude was moving kinda slow, so the wife pressed the door close button and left him out there. Funny. I guess I would've too if I'd been her.

I'm tempted to show up on Friday in sweatpants and a huge T-shirt and just wreck all their fun. Yucky dumb boys.

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