Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hilary Clinton, American Idol?

Wow. Saw this on the news this morning. This has got to be some of the worst singing I've heard in a long time, and remember I sing karaoke every Sunday night with a bunch of drunks.

I mean, come on. If you know that you couldn't carry a tune if it had handles on it, at least turn off your mic. And she even got some of the words wrong. Nice job, Hilary.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! If that is really HER, she can't carry two notes of a tune!!! Yikes! Maybe you could contact her and offer some voice lessons?! (Not to mention teaching her the words to the Star Spangled Banner!!!) Oh, but, even if you succeed, it will still be impossible for me to EVER cast a vote for her...

Theresa said...

That was saweet. Thanks!