Friday, July 14, 2006


I was sitting by this girl, and I smelled this rude smell, like four kinds of cheese left out in the sun. Turns out she had taken off her shoes and was airing out her bare feet. That's fine and all, but totally not in public where other people are subjected to the stench. I thought I was gonna hurl. My ex-BIL had the stinkiest feet on the planet. Once, on a church youth retreat, the youth pastor actually pulled the van over and refused to go any further until my BIL put his shoes back on. And he was right to do it. I think there were actual stink lines coming from his feet, like in cartoons.

For some reason I am very much affected by smells, both good and bad. A certain friend of mine wears a scent that absolutely makes me swoon. He smells so good... I just want to sit there and sniff him, but then that would be totally creepy of me. I tried to get my husband to wear a cologne that I like, but he refused. Too bad...

On the other hand, I have been in stores or at church, and an old lady walks by with waaaaaaaaay too much perfume on, and it makes me gag. Or worse, it's a perfume that has been sitting on the lady's dresser for five years, and it smells like pee. I just cannot take that... I have to get away.

Another smell that I hate is my old dog's breath. It smells like ass. I know it's because she's old and decrepit and all, but then she wants to lick me, and I don't want my skin to smell like ass, so I make her go away. But then, somehow, that smell gets stuck in my nose, and it's all I can smell for hours.

I hate having such intense reactions to scent... a bad smell brings on a fight-or-flight thing, where I honestly feel the need to either run away or smack someone. A really good smell either makes me super hungry or makes me want to.... um, yeah. We won't go there.

We were at a church for a wedding a couple weeks ago, and there was a whole side of the room labeled, "fragrance-free section." So I guess that the people who sit in that section maybe feel the way I do about smells. Or maybe they're deathly allergic, and certain smells could totally kill them. Like Superman with kryptonite or something. Anyhow, in that section of that church, no one gets to take their shoes off, wear pee perfume, or have dog ass breath. But that means that they can't smell extra good, either.

I don't know what brought on this train of thought, but.... oh, yeah.... it was that one chick's cheese feet.

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