Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm doing it!

I'm going back to school to get my RN! (What did you think I meant, you perverts?)

I start my first class in June. I'm equally excited and scared shitless. Failing is not an option, nor is lollygagging, procrastinating, or half-assing. I will be dedicated to this program for the next year or so, until I get my ASN and pass my state boards.

After that? More responsibility, more autonomy, more credibility, better pay.

My family is totally on board with this. Thankfully, it won't be like when I got my BA at Bethel: "Oh, sure! we'll help you around the house! We'll give you time to study!" Shya, that was a dirty lie. This time, though, I know my man is committed to helping me get through the next year. He already takes care of most of the housework, and he's even helping me pay for school. He's vowed to help me in any way possible. I have no worries at this point!

So wish my luck and shoot up some prayers for me... I'm jumping in with both feet!

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