Wednesday, March 17, 2010


No more Dark and Dangerous. I've moved on to Light and Fun. I've changed my hair color yet again. I'd gone from deep burgundy red to dark eggplant violet. Last week I decided to go platinum blonde. Most people are liking it, a couple are hating it, but I love it and that's all that matters.

Big Kid update: the twins turned 21 last week! Heaven help me! My daughter is home for spring break, but doesn't spend much time at home. My son is in Las Vegas for a week with his girlfriend. I am quite jealous. I've never been to Vegas.

Little Kid Update: Awesome conferences at school, awesome efforts and progress in their coursework, and really trying to get along and be rational with each other.

I'm proud of all four of them.

Life with my partner is good. We're building a sober life together, and things just keep getting better.

I'm very proud of him, too.

Life is good. Light and Fun.

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