Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Yeah... I just got an event invitation on Facebook from The Thing That Wouldn't Shut Up. Remember The Thing???? Apparently he's getting ordained as a minister next Sunday. Just goes to show that some churches will ordain anything that moves and breathes. The Thing is pretty much a tard... he can't write an intelligible sentence, he can't muster up an original thought, and he lies like a rug. He even used to misspell HIS OWN NAME on his term papers. I know, because I had the misfortune of proofreading those pieces of crap. And The Thing never did finish his degree! He just kinda gave up and fizzled out... which was not such a bad thing, since the program director out and out told him that he'd never be able to finish, and that he wasn't cut out for full-time ministry. Apparently, whatever church he attends disagrees.

Anyhow, I'm totally not going, even though I replied "Maybe". I'd rather poke my right eye out with a ballpoint pen.

Does this post seem like sour grapes? It's totally not. I would never in a million years wish to become an ordained minister. I just can't believe that this dude is going to be ordained. How many searching people is he going to singlehandedly direct straight to Hell because of his own backward theological stupidity???

It's like a 10.0 on the Rectal Scale. (That's right, Thing... I still remember the night you said that and I still laugh my ass off when I think about it.)

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