Friday, May 26, 2006

American Idol Finale

Can I just say that the highlight of the American Idol finale the other night was not that Taylor won (although I was hoping he would after Chris got booted), but that PRINCE PERFORMED????? He is one sexy dude. Plus, he did two awesome songs from his new 3121 cd: 'Lolita' and 'Satisfied'. I'm not too crazy about his backup singers/dancers, The Twinz. But then, maybe I'm just jealous! What would I do if Prince showed up at my house and offered to sweep me off to his Purple Party Pad in LA? Oh, I'd totally go. Not forever, of course. But I'd totally go.


Theresa said...

Ok. I think Prince is ok and all, but sexy? The twins were the only part of the whole Prince show that I liked. Yeah, you're just jealous. If you coulda been up there with Prince, you woulda done it in a heartbeat!

I don't want to even think about what Prince's Purple Pad is like.

Donna said...

Okay, if I coulda been up there with Prince I woulda been muscled off the stage by security, because I would totally break the Cardinal Rule about dancing w/ His Royal Purpleness: "Don't touch da man!" :-D