Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I got OWNED.

Yep, I totally got owned. By Fibromyalgia. Poopy dumb disease.

I had two week-long flares in three weeks. Extremely painful. Muscle and joint aches, debilitating fatigue, vertigo, the works. It was everything I could do to drag myself to work and try to hobble through my day without bursting into tears. I went home every night, fell asleep on the couch until Mike got home, then fell back asleep with my head on his lap until bedtime, and then crashed for the rest of the night. Luckily, both flares were during weeks when the kids were with their dad, so I had the luxury of crashing in peace.

Man, this disease completely kicked my ass like never before.

Why were these episodes so much worse than all the others I've lived through over the past eight years, you ask? I can answer without hesitation: BECAUSE I AM SOBER. A few months ago, when I started feeling the pain, I could just drink it away. Even Fibro doesn't hurt when you're hammered. So I just made a point of being hammered as often as possible to make the pain go away. Now I have no choice but to feel the pain in full and live through it. Did downing a few Jag Bombs to ease my misery cross my mind? You bet your ass it did. Did I succumb? Hell no! I worked my Program and hung in there. Yeah, I'm totally patting myself on the back here.

Of course, it wasn't all my spectacular willpower that got me through. It was also Mike's love, patience and care, his tireless rubbing of spastic feet, stiff neck and sore back, and his saintly listening skills while I whined, cried and complained. His quietly making dinner while I slept, waking me long enough to eat, and cleaning up after I crashed out again.

It also was my awesome doctor, finally coming up with a drug regimen that keeps me almost pain-free and able to function once again. Yay, modern medicine!

One fabulous side effect of my ordeal: since all I did was sleep when I was home, I lost six pounds instantly. Now I'm back to my fighting weight. Bonus!

Okay, I gotta ask: when you read the subject line, did you gleefully scroll down, hoping that I took a massive wipeout and lived to tell about it, complete with pictures? You evil people... you totally did.

Sorry to disappoint. Better luck next time.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

It's Official!

As of April 1st, Mike officially moved in with us.

It shouldn't be a huge deal, because we've spent almost every waking moment together for the past 2+ years, but somehow it kinda is.

Our relationship somehow feels a little more permanent with his name on the lease. It sounds silly, I know. I mean, we both know our relationship is already permanent. Yet somehow we feel a little more settled, a little more domestic, a little more comfortable than we felt on March 31st. Like I said, silly, I know.

I'm really happy. The complete absence of drama in our life together is wonderful. Our almost freakish compatibility rocks my world. For the first time, I'm in a relationship where every single piece fits. And I'm not kidding, not exaggerating. We fit together in a way I never thought possible.

Life is unbelievably, ridiculously, fabulously perfect right now. I wouldn't change a thing.


Happy Birthday To Me!

That's right, bitches. It was my birthday yesterday. A lady never tells how old she is, but I'm no lady.

I am officially 41. But inside I feel about 25. And I look damn good for my age.

Mike made me a steak dinner, and my youngest daughter made me a marble birthday cake. It was her first home-made cake, and it was a super difficult recipe, but she really wanted to try. She did an excellent job. She even made home-made frosting.

I got many lovely gifts and lots of flowers.

Then, to top everything off, I got an hour-long foot rub from my man.

Oh yeah..... birthdays rule!