Saturday, November 29, 2008


What is the deal with turning 40???? Why is this bothering me so very, very much????

Okay, it's not like it's tomorrow... I have a few months left... but the closer it gets, the more I hate the idea. 40 sounds so OLD.

A few of my 40-something girlfriends are trying to tell me that turning 40 is "freeing"... I say BULL. What the hell is freeing about getting that much closer to menopause, osteoporosis, whiskers sprouting from your chin, every nice curve you have heading south, people calling you "ma'am" in the grocery store, and ultimately senility and death????? What, I ask you????

Seriously... those of you (ladies only... I don't give a crap what the guys think) who are as close to 40 as I am, or have passed it, I really do want to hear your opinions on this subject. Those of you who are nowhere near 40, you can kiss my lily-white butt. I wish I were you.

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