Monday, April 30, 2007

Tomorrow is it!

That's right, folks. Tomorrow night is the last time I ever have to see or listen to The Thing That Wouldn't Shut Up. Oh, I am so thrilled!

Funny story: now that he's a frickin' licensed, ordained minister (or 'license ordain minister' as he prefers to call himself), he had a buttload of business cards printed up with his personal info. I walked into class last week to find that he'd put one on every single desk. I took a look at it and almost fell off my chair... it was so frickin' funny, and so typically Thing. Under his name it says "God lead servant leader." Hmmmm. Yeah. I don't think he meant the kind of lead you find in pencils. I'm pretty sure he meant "led." Then, further down, he has a scripture verse and put a "t" at the end of the word "though" instead of an "h." Yeah, Thing... you might've wanted to have someone proofread those before you made a million copies and proudly distributed them to everyone and his brother. And his picture is all distorted... it makes him look like a squat little round guy, when he's actually tall and beanpole thin. I have that card displayed on my fridge, and I'm showing it to anyone who will look at it. Priceless.

Here's something that pleased me a great deal: he's absolutely not graduating this spring. The program director told me he's making Thing take about a year's worth of classes over because he did so poorly. He also said that he told Thing that he doesn't think he will be able to complete the program, and that, frankly, he doesn't belong in vocational ministry. Gee, ya think? And it took you two frickin' years to figure that out? I coulda told you that during the very first class. Of course, he also said that Thing didn't hear a frickin' word he said. Really? I'm surprised... Thing is usually such a good listener and is sooooooo good at internalizing information and using it in an intelligent manner.

Anyhow, just four more hours of thingisms, and then I'm home free. I'm totally going out to celebrate after school tomorrow night. Champagne and the works. Yeah, baby.

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