Friday, February 12, 2010

Stupid neighbor.

Can I just say that I hate my new neighbor with a passion???? I'd take a hundred sumosans over this one inconsiderate, loud, ghetto bitch.

Last weekend she was having a loud party. I waited until 11:30pm, and then I lost patience and banged on the ceiling with my broom handle. She and her homies shut up. Then, the next day, she called the apartment manager and said that Mike and I were having a loud domestic dispute in the middle of the night, complete with screaming and banging around. BITCH.

Luckily, I have a very good relationship with my super, and he knows me well. He knows she's a dirty nasty liar, and says that she's pissed him off several times in the couple weeks since she moved in. He asked me to call him each and every time she makes noise so he can gather ammo to get her evicted. I am happily complying. Funny, she's been very quiet for the last couple days...

The other day she started stomping on the floor over our heads when we were trying to have sex. Um, first of all, IT WAS NOT QUIET TIME. It was late morning. Second, we weren't even being loud! I called my super later that day and told him she was being an intolerant bitch. Now I'm even more dedicated to busting her chops every chance I get. How dare you ruin my sex?????

One morning, I heard her in her bathroom right above mine. It was about 6:30 AM, and she was obviously on the phone. I hear her ghetto voice yelling, "AH EXPECK YOU TO CAWL ME BACK WHEN I LEAVE YOU A MESSAGE AN AKS YOU TO CAWL ME BACK!!!" Um, yeah. Real nice. If you're the kind of bitch who starts leaving bitchy messages for people the second you get out of bed, before you even take your morning piss, you should be punched.

Please come back, Sumosan... you weren't so bad after all.