Friday, July 24, 2009

We Quit!

Smoking, that is. Yeah, you heard me right. Mike and I had our last smokes Monday, June 20th at 7:30am.

It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be, probably mostly because I'm not doing it alone. We're both using the nicotine patch, so we're not totally jonesing for a smoke. It's mostly social habits and stress that trigger us to want a puff. It's nice to sit down after we put the kids to bed and talk about how we did, situations that made us want a ciggie, situations where it was hard to resist the urge, and how we overcame them.

When we made the decision to quit, neither of us was real confident that we could do it. Now, almost a full week in, we're both feeling pretty confident.

We're saving the money we would've spent on cigarettes, and we're putting it toward an awesome romantic getaway. Maybe somewhere tropical next year.

I always thought my sense of smell was that of a bloodhound. I'm realizing that no, no it wasn't. Now I can smell EVERYTHING. Things I couldn't smell before. This is not always a good thing. Now I can smell the cat pee in one old lady's apartment. I can smell old people ass as they drift past me down the hall. EEEEEEEEW.

Interesting thing, though: I can also taste more. I was kissing Mike the other day and commented, "Hey, you taste like Lucky Charms! You're magically delicious!" Needless to say, it killed the mood for him... but it did make him laugh.

Wish us well.... we're determined to kick the smoking habit!